Insurrectionary Bristol : 1980

Fri 3 November 2006 // 19:30

Part 2 of Insurrectionary Bristol Lectures.

Bristol 1831, St. Pauls & Southmead 1980, were these events anarchy, crime, riot, insurrection or uprising? Much of the insurrectionary history of Bristol is misrepresented by those who do not believe 'common' people can have any thought or organised practice. Why are the French uprisings of 1789-1793 understood to be a revolution and 1831 in Bristol a drunken criminal mob? Why is it that the St. Pauls riot of 1980 exists in the memory but the Southmead events of the same weekend are forgotten? These talks will give an insight into the real nature of these and other events by both historians and
eye-witnesses. We will try to uncover how and why they have been
misrepresented or obscured and what influence they really had on the politics of the time.

Speakers : Ian Bone, Ann Warden, Johnny Evans, Edson Burton, Dave Backwith FFI see

Background Reading : Southmead Riots by John Serpico