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Singin' In The Rain

Dir: Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, 1952, USA, 152 mins, Cert: U

Sun 8 January 2017 // 17:00
Wed 11 January 2017 // 20:00

Tickets: £5 (Full) / £4 (Concessions)

The most famous musical of them all for good reason: it’s the most fun! Brilliant lyrics, bubbly music and acrobatic dance routines will leave you breathless with awe and laughter. Starring the incomparable Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds. Set during the end of the silent era, a movie star ends up in an aspiring actress’s car, he discovers a new kind of talent, and maybe love. Join us for one of Hollywood’s most treasured romantic classics on the big screen.

Doors open 30 minutes before film start time

To get us in the mood for our February screenings of La La Land, we’ll be offering some sparkling gems of the classic Hollywood musicals of the 1950s and 60s in the Sunday matinee spots. High-kicking off the new year in style will be Singin’ in the Rain, an enduring favourite starring the wonderful toe-tapping talent of Gene Kelly, wholesome cheesecake Debbie Reynolds, and the ultimate legs of Ms Cyd Charisse. Followed by the Sharks and the Jets of West Side Story (spot those Twin Peaks actors in the prime of their youth!), and finally an extra special screening of Silk Stockings preceded by some classic numbers from the Big R Big Band - don’t miss Twinkle Toes Fred and Cyd dance up a storm! 
