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Something From Nothing: The Art Of Rap

Tue 5 March 2013 // 20:00

(Tue 5 March / 8pm / £5/4)
(Ice-T, Andy Baybutt / 2012 / USA / 106 minutes / Certificate 15)

Part of the Cube's Hip Hop Season: http://www.cubecinema.com/hiphop/

In this documentary on rap music and its rise to global prominence, Ice-T takes us on a deeply personal journey as he uncovers how the music of the street has grown to dominate the world. Along the way Ice-T meets a whole spectrum of hip-hop talent, from founders to new faces, to the global superstars like Eminem, Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg and Kanye West. He exposes the roots and history of rap and then, through engaging many of its most famous protagonists, studies the living mechanism of the music to reveal 'The Art Of Rap'. This extraordinary film features unique performances from the entire cast, without resorting to archive material, to build a fresh and surprising take on the phenomenon that is rap.
