Maybe Bangladesh

Tue 12 March 2013 // 20:00

(Tues 8th March / 8pm / £5/4)
(Jochen ‘Erich’ Abel / 50 minutes)

Film and music from the weird and wonderful world of Erich. The screening of Maybe Bangladesh will be followed by songs and stories.

Director and musician Abel takes you on a trip from Bavaria to India to track down the origin of a haunting voice on an unlabelled cassette tape. The voice sings of 'Govinda' ... The film merges documentary, fiction and animation with mesmerising accordion and background city sounds as the journeyman investigates singers, gods, noise, and new acquaintances - before taking a leap in the dark.

Friends joining Erich tonight include ex-members of Bristol's own Herb Garden who toured with Abel's former art-rock band Sharon Tate’s Children, in the '90s. Info: and