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5 Broken Cameras

Sun 6 January 2013 // 20:00
Mon 7 January 2013 // 20:00

(Sun 6th, Mon 7th Jan / 8pm / £5/4)
(Ermad Burnat / Guy Davidi / 2011 / Palestine / certificate 15)

Emad Burnat bought his first video camera to film his baby son but found himself using it instead to record the struggle and protest against the security wall built across crucial farming land near his village in Palestine. The story of how this camera and the four replacements came to be smashed
tells Emad's story of a life of resistance and suffering. Burnat has shaped this film in collaboration with Jewish Israeli film maker Guy Davidi, but it's a one sided view of the conflict for sure - we see events such as the Israeli army firing on unarmed civilians, some of them children, and the aftermath of fatalities and funerals. Burnat didn't intend to make anything other than a personal record of the conflict in his village. It's this personal story of Burnat and his family and friends which differentiates this film from the kind of images we're so used to seeing on the news. An important document from a film-maker following the great tradition of those who have used the camera as a political weapon.