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20th Century Flicks Presents True Romance

Fri 8 February 2013 // 20:00

(Friday 8th Feb / 8pm / £5/4)
(Tony Scott / 1993 / USA / 120 minutes /Certificate 18)

It's the time of year for lovers to get together and take a long hard look at each other and ask the age-old question... 'Are we as badass a couple as Clarence and Alabama?'

The answer is usually a firm no. So why not just give up on it and come watch True Romance at the Cube? Tony Scott's at the helm, Tarantino scripted it, Brad Pitt gets very stoned in it. People fall in love, people die, crimes are committed and the racial purity of Sicilians is questioned. Bring a lover, bring a buddy. Trust us at 20th Century Cube: You need to see this on the big screen. Rockabilly music in the bar afterwards. Prizes for appropriate dressing up will be doled out. Especially for Drexl lookalikes and Walken impressions.